Gps Tracking Laws By State In 2023

GPS Tracking System for Law Enforcement
GPS Tracking System for Law Enforcement from

GPS Tracking Laws by State in 2023

What is GPS Tracking?

GPS tracking is the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) to track the location of a person or vehicle. GPS tracking devices are typically used to monitor and track the movement of people or items to which they are attached. GPS tracking systems can be used to monitor the location of a person, vehicle, or asset in real-time.

How is GPS Tracking Regulated?

GPS tracking laws vary by state, so it’s important to be aware of the laws in your state. Some states require that a GPS tracking device be installed in a vehicle for it to be monitored, while other states allow for GPS tracking without the installation of a device. It’s important to be aware of the laws in your state before engaging in any GPS tracking activities.

What are the GPS Tracking Laws by State?


In Alabama, GPS tracking is regulated by the state’s Electronic Surveillance Act. The Act requires that a person or entity obtain consent from the person being tracked prior to installing a GPS tracking device. The Act also requires that the person or entity must notify the person being tracked that they are being tracked.


In Alaska, GPS tracking is regulated by the state’s Electronic Surveillance Act. The Act requires that a person or entity obtain consent from the person being tracked prior to installing a GPS tracking device. The Act also requires that the person or entity must notify the person being tracked that they are being tracked.


In Arizona, GPS tracking is regulated by the state’s Electronic Surveillance Law. The law requires that a person or entity obtain consent from the person being tracked prior to installing a GPS tracking device. The law also requires that the person or entity must notify the person being tracked that they are being tracked.


GPS tracking laws vary by state, so it’s important to be aware of the laws in your state before engaging in any GPS tracking activities. If you have any questions about GPS tracking laws in your state, it’s best to consult with a qualified attorney who can provide you with legal advice.
